Sunday, February 20, 2011


St. Pierre
14.44.485 N  61.10.975 W
From Fort De France we sailed up to St. Pierre, the earlier capitol. It was out since May 8th. 1902 when Volcano Mount. Pele. erupted, and killed 29.933 people. EVERYBODY in the city except one man in prison. He was locked out 4 days later by someone that came to the city to try to find something in value.
He was later working for Barney Brothers Circus in America, showing his burns, and being the only survival of almost 30.000 people.
Some of the ruins are still in town, and in the museum you can see some few items that survived the hot gases, heat ashes and stones. There was no lave coming into the city.
Here are the picture of the one survivor, and the City Teater.

La Prison

The Theater

We also went to a Distillery  'DEPAZ' for local Sugar cane rum.
It was a nice an pleasant experience. After a nice lunch we caught ride back to town with a French couple.
We had walked all the way there. Meaning going UP for 1 1/2 hours.

Depaz rum.
Just a nice tree in the middle of all the rum.

Back in the boat, we had a beautiful sunset as often happen.
Looking west from St. Pierre.

Had a nice sail trip back to Fort the France next day. Little wind, so we motored about half way.
Then the wind came, so we could haul both sails, turn the engine off, and put on Jimmy Buffet.
Made a Rum Punch and sailed into the harbour.
Here is Dave's last day on  Zephyr for this time.
Dave thinking of the cold weather back home. ( Probably)
enjoying the sun and the temperature.
To morrow morning I sail to St. Lucia.  
I be Back.


Martinique Fort De France
14.36.030 N  61.04.212 W
We anchored out in the bay, next to my Swedish friends Josse and Reine.
Josse, we met at Barbados, by anchoring next to him. We spent X-mas eve together at the sail club at Barbados. Then I met him again with Reine at Bequia.
Josse spent 27 years building his own boat in north of Sweden 'Gavle' No one in the little city thought he would ever get the boat in the water. BUT YES. after 27 years he but the boat in the water on a Thursday, put the two wooden mast on at Friday, bought food on Saturday, and sailed to Barbados on Sunday.
A 58 feet Schooner, were he has made everything himself. He is a Stainless steel welder as a profession, but he is now also an excellent cabinet carpenter. Everything is in solid Teak. Everything. the doors to the cabins etc. is in 30 mm missive teak. Anything I asked for, if he had made it. .. The answer was YESSS.
He even made his terminals. ( the one you tighten the wires with to hold the mast up)
Here are some pictures from his boat.
Palawan of Gavle Sweden

The act saloon and Pantry

Here are some pictures from Fort De France. A living city until 18.30...
Fort De France
A Nice building.
This is were I am sitting RIGHT now. A art Deco Hotel.
The fruit and spice marked down town.

1 comment:

  1. You left out Anse Matin and the ghost hotel. Was that intentional?...otherwise love your blog.
